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2024專題培訓 - Using AI to Increase Administration Efficiency Course

Course Title: Using AI to Increase Administrative Efficiency

Course Description: This course will introduce participants to common AI and machine learning technologies that can help streamline administrative tasks and increase office productivity. Participants will learn how to identify tasks that can benefit from automation as well as best practices for implementing and managing AI systems in an office environment.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand common AI technologies like process automation, document processing, predictive analytics and their applications in administrative work

  • Analyze existing workflows to identify tasks that can benefit from automation

  • Plan and implement AI systems to increase efficiency and productivity

  • Manage AI projects effectively including change management, user adoption and ongoing system maintenance

Module 1: Introduction to AI for Administrators

  • What is AI and how can it help streamline administrative tasks

  • Common administrative tasks that lend themselves to AI like data entry, scheduling, correspondence processing etc.

  • Best practices for identifying tasks for automation

Module 2: Process Automation

  • Using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for repetitive tasks like form filling, data entry, bookkeeping etc.

  • Implementing workflow automation using tools like UiPath, Automation Anywhere etc.

  • Designing automated workflows and exception handling

Module 3: Document Processing

  • Using computer vision and NLP for processing documents, email and contracts

  • Extracting and structuring data from scanned documents, invoices etc.

  • Automating document review, data extraction and record keeping

Module 4: Predictive Analytics

  • Using machine learning for predictive maintenance, forecasting and scheduling

  • Applying predictive models to areas like inventory management, customer service etc.

  • Model development, tuning and ongoing improvement

Module 5: Implementation Best Practices

  • User adoption, change management and training

  • Governance, monitoring and ongoing system management

  • Integration with existing systems and workflows

  • Strategy for gradual expansion of automated processes

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