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2024專題培訓 - Supply Chain Finance Course

Course Title: Supply Chain Finance

Course Description:This course provides an overview of supply chain finance and how it can be used to improve working capital management, optimize cash flows, and strengthen supplier/buyer relationships across supply chains. Key concepts, strategies, tools and best practices will be covered.

Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the basics of supply chain finance and how it differs from traditional trade finance

  • Evaluate how supply chain finance can benefit different participants in a supply chain

  • Assess ways to implement supply chain finance programs and tools

  • Develop strategies to integrate supply chain finance into existing payment and working capital practices

Module 1: Introduction to Supply Chain Finance

  • Evolution and drivers of supply chain finance

  • Participants in a supply chain finance ecosystem

  • Benefits of supply chain finance for suppliers, buyers and financial institutions

Module 2: Types of Supply Chain Finance Programs

  • Payables finance/reverse factoring

  • Receivables finance/factoring

  • Inventory finance

  • Order-to-cash financing

  • Evaluating which programs meet organizational needs

Module 3: Process and Technology

  • Onboarding suppliers to programs

  • Payment processes, reconciliations, and funding mechanics

  • Role of cloud-based technology platforms

  • Integrating finance systems with ERP/procurement systems

Module 4: Design and Implementation

  • Financing policies, payment terms and business requirements

  • Collaboration frameworks with suppliers, banks and other stakeholders

  • Change management, communication and adoption strategies

  • Risk assessment and mitigation approaches

Module 5: Measuring and Optimizing Value

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success

  • Quantifying ROI and working capital benefits

  • Continuous improvement using data and analytics

  • Expanding programs to increase adoption rates

Module 6: Global Considerations and Case Studies

  • Supply chain finance in international trade

  • Local regulations and compliance

  • Examples of successful supplier finance programs

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